Peplink SD-Branch
Purpose-built Peplink Solutions
Enabling Digital Transformation in Brick and Mortar Retail Stores
In the digital era, technology brings rapid changes to the retail landscape. Whether it is to enable physical store and ecommerce integration, store security, reliable mobile payment, or to stay in sync with enterprise cloud resources, a fast and agile network is key to a successful retail business.
Peplink offers a wide range of easily managed wired and wireless SD-WAN products for retailers of all sizes to keep their branch networks running smoothly. With a simple setup utilizing wireless SD-WAN solutions, retailers can greatly enhance the reliability of WAN bandwidth at a drastically lowered monthly data cost, while gaining the flexibility to quickly add branches to any location any time. Retailers can also offer tailored experience, loyalty programs and customer insights through Peplink’s easy-to-use, cloud managed WiFi access points and software UI.
What are your Challenges in Retail Connectivity?
Integrating data center, call center, stores and ecommerce into a seamless single network
Provide instant and reliable bandwidth in locations that wired line cannot reach